Donate to PyBaMM πŸ”‹

Sponsor on GitHub

PyBaMM has been a NumFOCUS Sponsored Project since 2022 and has been used by a multitude of researchers through academia and industry collaborations at numerous companies and research institutions, some of which include the University of Oxford, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Warwick, Imperial College London, National Physical Laboratory, Deutsches Zentrum fΓΌr Luft- und Raumfahrt, and The Faraday Institution.

If you would like to support the project, please consider donating to PyBaMM to bring forth advancements to a multi-dimensional, interdisciplinary area of battery modelling and simulation combined with fast numerical computing.

Usage of funds#

The sponsorship funds will be utilised to support mini-projects revolving around code, infrastructure, and documentation. The funds will also be frequently used to build community spaces, organise sprints/hackathons, and cover other events revolving around PyBaMM and batteries. Additionally, comparatively large donations will allow us to offer bursaries for people coming from low-income countries/institutions or even sponsor a PhD candidate!


We accept donations through a variety of platforms. Please choose the one that is most convenient for you.


You may sponsor the project on GitHub.


Make a one-time payment through NumFOCUS (or make it recurring monthly!)


For larger or custom donations, we also support OpenCollective.

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